Christian religious radio everywhere! God be with you! Amen!
Aplicatia Radio Crestin Ortodox va aduce mai aproape de Sfanta Taina Bisericeasca si de Cuvantul Bun al Mantuitorului Nostru Iisus Hristos printr-o selectie de posturi religioase de pe teritoriul Romaniei. Aplicatia necesita conexiunde la internet, iar pentru majoritatea posturilor timpul de conectare este de aproximativ 5-10 secunde cu precizarea ca unele radiouri nu emit tot timpul. 2019 2020 Aplicatia cuprinde posturi radio nationale precum: Trinitas, Doxologia, Renasterea, etc., dar si locale precum: Catedrala Mitropolitana Sibiu si Catedrala Ortodoxa Veche din Arad. Aplicatia este ideala pentru credinciosii ce nu pot ajunge la Biserica in zilele de post si rugaciune din calendar, dar pot asculta Sfanta Liturghie gratuit cu aplicatia noastra. Tematica radiourilor cuprinde slujbe in direct din diferite Biserici importante, stiri si informatii religioase si de asemenea interviuri si emisiuni ce dezbat probleme dogmatice. "Viata este darul lui Dumnezeu pentru noi. Modul in care o traim este darul pe care noi il facem lui Dumnezeu" - Michelangelo Bunoarroti. Doamne Ajuta, auditie placuta si Iisus sa va calauzeasca in tot ceea ce faceti!The application of Orthodox Christian Radio will bring you closer to the Holy Sacred Church and to the Good Word of Our Savior Jesus Christ through a selection of religious positions on the Romanian territory. The application requires an internet connection, and for most stations the connection time is about 5-10 seconds, specifying that some radios do not broadcast all the time. 2019 2020 The application includes national radio stations such as: Trinitas, Doxology, Renaissance, etc., but also local ones such as the Metropolitan Cathedral of Sibiu and the Old Orthodox Cathedral of Arad. The application is ideal for believers who cannot reach the Church in the days of fasting and prayer in the calendar, but can listen to the Holy Mass for free with our application. The thematic of the radios includes live services from different important Churches, news and religious information and also interviews and programs that discuss dogmatic problems. "Life is the gift of God to us. The way we live is the gift we make to God" - Michelangelo Bunoarroti. Lord Help, pleasant hearing and Jesus to guide you in everything you do!Ver. 1.1